For Non-Smokers only!
I'm a little bored this evening and that is unusual for me. I spend most of my time in the bedroom because three of the other household members smoke and Fuck That! I'm not into involuntarily breathing in all of that shit. I've had my time with over 64,000 miles of hitchhiking and breathing in all sorts of carbon monoxide that was out of and beyond my control. So, why should I along with millions of others suffer further because of this totally and completely pointless fuckin habit. That is one thing I really, really miss about California. Over there, there is NO SMOKING at any eating establishment period! You fly over here and these fuckin people smoke when you're trying to eat, blow it all over and in your general fuckin direction with no remorse whatsoever. I'm sorry if my language offends you, but this is one subject that I feel very, very strongly about. If smokers cared a one billionth and I mean a one billionth about other people, (including and meaning their friends and family members) they wouldn't do it period! Do you "really" think we enjoy breathing in all their second hand shity smoke. Fuck off and eat your own shit you uncaring, insensitive bastards. It really gets to me when I'm trying to eat and all I get is a cloud of smoke heading toward my face. Even if someone is twenty feet away and smoking, I can literally smell it as though the person were right next to me. Fuck em! Ya know, I literally don't give a shit if someone is dying from lung cancer because they've smoked for all, part of, or a portion of their life. They chose to do that so suffer and die a slow torturous death, your uncaring shit heads. But give me a break, what are you thinking! Do you really think that sucking this shit into your lungs is fuckin healthy for you? No, I tell ya who I feel sorry for, it's the poor innocent people who have never had a choice in the matter, but to breath in all of that vile stench called "Second Hand Smoke." Some people have never had a cigarette in their whole life, and they get fuckin lung cancer because of these inconsiderate fucks. Click below to see: