Hello, if you’ve made it to this page then I assume that you're interested in my book called 'Freedom on the Highway.' After twenty years of hard work it was finally completed in the autumn of 2005. This project took years and years of re-writes, additions and even deletions to get this tale to where it is today. My original goal was to get this unusual, adventurous tale out there, so that those who had an interest in this project could read it. I've now achieved that in the following four ways. Right now this novel is available on Kindle and paperback on Amazon within the U.S. and U.K. There are other Amazon sites around Europe too where this can be purchased. The two main Amazon links are as follows: The Amazon U.S. "paperback and Kindle" link is Freedom on the Highway The Amazon U.K. "paperback and Kindle" link is Freedom on the Highway This novel can also be purchased as an e-book in PDF format also which you can read on your laptop or desktop computer. Its in plain text. To get the e-book, the Paypal link is at the base of this webpage. The book is in PDF format and can be read on your computer. It's $10 U.S. If you want the paperback or Kindle version go to the Amazon website in your country. In the States and the U.K. the book will be shipped to you pretty quickly. Simply type in "Freedom on the Highway by Johnny Anderson." The story is 717 pages in length (roughly 277,000 words) Once Paypal informs me that your payment has gone through (which is usually instant) I'll email the e-book to you. It will come as an email attachment and will be in Adobe Acrobat format. When paying through Paypal, please pay in U.S. dollars. When you finally finish the book I'd love a review. If Amazon WONT post it because often they want readers to spend $50 on their website then I'd love to hear your comments. My email address is as follows and I'll post your review below, thank you.
If any of my friends do purchase my book and are kind enough to leave a testimonial on Amazon for me, PLEASE DO NOT say within that review that you have ever met or spoken to me. When I saw the size of this book I thought to myself I'll never make it through it. After I began to read this book it was not the case. This book is written in such a way that you as the reader feel that you are there on the highway with Johnny. He shares such detail of the story that you feel as if it is also you hitching those highways. The places he visited and the sights that he saw, you feel as if you are there with him. It amazes me what a story teller this man is. I would definately recommend this book to anyone who seeks adventure but can't leave home. Johnny Anderson will take you there! Touche Johnny amazing read! Iris Iris Baker, Prescott Valley, AZ. 1-24-24 I started to read this book for a second time again recently, its a fascinating true story of a dear friend from my Punk days in Southend, Johnny Anderson detailing his adventures while hitchhiking some 64,000 miles all over different parts of the world. I read this back in 2012 in hardback format and am enjoying it once again in Kindle edition. As I’m reading this story again I feel compelled to comment on my thoughts. You are a born fighter Johnny. It was so brave to board that Ferry and venture into the unknown to seek adventure. Many would have stayed in the dismal Southend area for a false sense of security. I’m addicted once again to your book! Kerry Hull. Kerry, South Woodham, Essex. England, 31-10-2022 An early life in writing, I thought I'd be offended when I first had a look. But very easy reading had me on the hook. Interesting perspectives from bold decisions took. I've been thoroughly encouraged by Johnny Anderson's book. Paul Spanton, Westcliff, Essex. July 16th, 2024 Found the book really easy to read it kept my attention all the way through to the last page, really enjoyed reading about all jhonnys adventures and all the fascinating and kind people he met along the way . Karen Potten. Rochford, Essex. May 24th, 2023 This book is a remarkable chronicle of an epic hitch-hiking adventure around the planet, that most people couldn’t even dare to imagine undertaking. The sheer courage needed to risk everything, would stop most people from even thinking of striking forth on such a grand adventure. Truly the adventure of many lifetimes!! As the journey unfolds, the reader’s thoughts are drawn to the role of Destiny, Coincidence, and the infinite possibilities of how the course of an entire life can be changed by seemingly insignificant decisions or random acts of timing . Go left or right? Miss a bus? Catch a ride in a Cadillac? Everything downstream now changes forever, yet it all seems destined somehow. Journey with Johnny as he sets aside the comforts and trappings of every-day life, to boldly face the great unknown with only his wits and his pack, and to experience true freedom with all of its highs and lows, dangers and rewards, from Down Under to the Orient. One can only imagine how truly alive a person can feel when faced with the very real danger of being eaten by a bear, or asking to be let out of a nice warm car in the pitch black heart of a vast continent just to see the sun rise over the Devi’s Marbles. For most, the vicarious experiences of this book might be as close as they ever come to understanding what it means to be truly adventurous. To walk the wire without a safety net. To risk life itself in order to be truly alive. Chris Radu, Northern California, U.S.A. I enjoyed Freedom on the highway written by Johnny Anderson. I was amazed at how Johnny traveled the world as he did hitchhiking. Every day brought new adventures involving new people. Freedom on the highway explains in detail how Johnny traveled countries with a sense of adventure that kept him constantly moving, planning routes, dealing with all sorts of different people from all walks of life. Some gracious, some not so nice, some people were kind enough to not only offer a ride to a hitch hiker, but also invited Johnny a roof and a good meal in their homes not for an hour but days. This allowed him time to rest and gather thoughts for a plan for the next leg of his adventure. Freedom on the highway shows just how exciting it can be to hop from city to city, country to country. while traveling light with a minimum of supplies kept in a travel bag ready for all kinds of weather, and situations that may or may not happen. Johnny explains in detail how he felt about cops that rousted and bullied him while traveling on highways. As time went on, Johnny developed a keen sense of street smarts that amazes me. I like a good adventure, so of course Freedom on highway kept my interest all the way through his book. I was always interested in what was going to happen next. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a great adventure. Richard Butler, Paulden AZ. August 29, 2022. Johnny's book captures a journey and a time and place (actually many times and places) most have us have never and will never see: hitchhiking around the English-speaking world. The human, spiritual vulnerability of traveling the way Johnny did is what comes through so strongly in Johnny's writing. This book is very approachable but gives the reader such a strong sense of what it is like to rely solely on the kindness of strangers, strangers that become close friends and openly share their
The chapters in Australia and New Zealand really came alive for me, as did Johnny's chapters on his early life in England.
I met Johnny in the mid-ninetys in Humboldt county, California, and we reconnected this summer (2017). His perspective is so unique. Freedom on the Highway is a ripping yarn and a meditative contemplation on human nature at the same time! Hard to put it down. Fun for those of us who have lived in the areas he's traveled through but equally engaging for the reader who has traveled anywhere else or longs to do so.
I'd love to see this book turned into a movie... Thanks Johnny! Kate K (Portland OR) I read this on a big fishing trip with my uncle and it was so exciting I finished it in the first couple days of a big 8 day trip! I liked it so much I let my uncle borrow my kindle and had him read it and he loved it too! I haven’t done much extensive traveling outside of my own state much so reading stories like this are a fun and very exciting way to see how people with more exciting lives than myself go about attacking their goals and triumphs. My uncle has done lots of traveling via hitching and ride shares so he also appreciated it. There’s not much me and my uncle agree on and with his advancing age it’s nice to have something good we can both appreciate, and Freedom on the Highway was a really cool way to share something cool with my uncle. He's an old guy but he can click next page button on my old kindle! Boo digital touch screens go back to buttons for next and back page! Great book for a trip or if you need something super gripping and fun and exciting!" Daniel, Chino Valley, AZ, U.S.A. Back in the day, I knew the author during his punk years in Southend, not so much as a close friend, as I was outside the punk scene, but he was always around and always a warm and friendly person. When I realised he’d travelled so extensively and then turned his experiences into a book, I was intrigued to find out more about Johnny’s life (we parted ways in the late 80s), so bought the Kindle version. Not being much of a reader these days, I was surprised how Johnny’s writing style has captivated me. Having known some of the people he writes about in his punk phase, I am impressed with how he has brought these characters and events to life and I find his sincere, down to earth style very engaging. I would warn you though, it can be a difficult book to put down, as you’ll want to know what the next day in his journey brings, and the next. Johnny’s style is witty and the anecdotes come thick and fast, and with such attention to detail that you do feel like you were there with him. I may be only part way through, but Johnny has me hooked and I’m looking forward to spending more quality time with the author and his reminiscences. I definitely recommend you buy this book - it is quite unique and a worthwhile read. R. Johnson, Nottingham, England. Wow! Reading this book was fun! This fellow managed to pull me into his drama and adventure, making me feel like I was along for the ride. I have been fortunate to do a lot of traveling myself, but I didn't do anything like what he did...the book makes me want to be young and start over. He went places I only wish I could have gone. I am amazed that he had the dedication and discipline to keep such detailed accounts of his experiences. He had so many fun and exciting, frustrating and exhilarating experiences, and met people all over the world, some who became good friends. Many of the situations he found himself in were scary and thrilling at the same time..I don't think I would have the guts to take the chances he did, some resulting in amazing, unforgettable, interesting and out of the ordinary adventures. It was much safer, easier and cheaper reading this book than trying to do it myself, and he made the whole thing so much fun...I hope he will continue the story at some point. Kristen Lawrence, Prescott Valley, AZ, U.S.A. I enjoyed this book! The author grew up in England and the beginning brought me from my home into the era of the 70's and 80's and what he felt at the time. I enjoyed the intimate family stories, and saw the world through his eyes and emotions. The journey he took was a remarkable leap of faith and is testament to this man's spirit. I felt like I was being told this story by a gentile soul who not only saw the sights but "lived" the people. Amazon reader, review left on 14 March 2016. This is actually the second time I have read this book and I can honestly say It got better with time! The author does an outstanding job of taking you along on a visual, emotional and one step shy of a spiritual journey.. The descriptions of the many sites, surroundings, smells, climates, etc. makes one feel as if they are experiencing Mr. Johnny's adventure with him. The raw and honest trust that he exhibited while hitch-hiking over the many miles blows my mind. Being one that lives somewhat in a "bubble", I am truly amazed at the courage and determination that the author displayed while on his journey. Add to this, the fact that he then put his journey in print to share with others is admirable. Well done Mr. Johnny and thank you for including me on this journey. Well worth the read!!!!
Amazon reader, review left on Wednesday 8-15-2018. Engrossing from cover to cover. You can feel Johnny's highs and heartbreaks throughout his life and journeys beginning as a young lad growing up in the UK. I highly recommend this read for anyone! Jessica Weber an Amazon reader, review left on 7-21-18. This memoir reflects a lifestyle many of us will never experience. To travel across countries and even continents takes an incredible amount of faith in the unknown - as well as an inordinate supply of true grit. I was mesmerized by the author's descriptions of far-flung places quite frankly I don't have the balls to visit. But the book is much more than a travelogue, it's a testament to human kindness and friendship. Anyone with wanderlust considering a long journey must read and re-read this book! This book is going to stay with me for a very long time. Amazon reader, review left on September 6, 2016. As a young man, Johnny took a leap of faith and went where most people would only dream of. I admire his courage to take a long journey using only his thumb. He takes you on a personal journey through several countries and ends up in the United States.
As you read his hitch hiking adventures, it feels like you are actually with him. The book starts with his precious family and hometown where he went through a challenging phase as a young man, which I can relate to. He is definitely an honest and humble person when he encounters difficult people as he travels to various places. Millie Salt, Prescott, Arizona, U.S.A. Having done a lot of hitching in the British Isles and some in Europe and New Zealand, I found much I could relate to in this account. The highs,lows and incredible kindness of many strangers to Johnny are humbling and inspiring, and this book rings true. I have cursed unfeeling drivers as they sweep past, the `jokers' who pretend to stop and drive off,, the misery of being out on the road,cold and wet... and the joy of suddenly being in the dry and warm, on your way again. I would have liked to see some illustrations. I realise that colour plates add a lot to the cost of publishing. Has anyone ever written a book with links to photos on a website? Just a thought.. J. D. Dickens, Leigh-on-sea, Essex, England I loved this book, it took me over a year to read, but I thoroughly enjoyed the adventures of what Johnny went through. I couldn't do it, even if you paid me. This is the story of a very brave young man, who had a dream of traveling worldwide and went out there and fulfilled dream. A very good read, A world traveler in Australia and New Zealand. Canada and the U.S. was thoroughly traveled which has changed my perception of my own country. I learned things I never knew through the authors eyes. I recommend this book for anyone to read. Lon Hardy, Prescott Valley, AZ. 11-19-2016. I just finished this unique and captivating story. What an amazing journey and the best part is you get to feel like you are on the journey with him. Johnny's knack for detail along with his wonderful sense of humor make this book a real treat. What comes across so clear is his honesty and his heart felt appreciation for the people that came in and out of his life during his years of travel. Johnny opens up his life and shares his thoughts with brutal candor. What more could you ask for? I admire his courage in first, taking the journey and second, sharing it with all of us. I found myself looking forward to escaping into his world as I read chapter after chapter. The only negative about this book is that at some point it ends and you are left wanting more. I highly recommend this read. I guarantee you will feel like you went on the adventure with Johnny and that you had the time of your life!! Denise Francoeur, Midwest, U.S.A. This book is fantastic! It is well written and gives much insight to the multiple levels of freedom that were obtained by the author through his travels. I felt as though I was also a traveler along for the ride. I enjoyed visiting the various places through vivid descriptions and even felt as though I could connect with the people he met along the way. While reading this, you travel the highways around the world with the author and you will also gain insight into the freedom and liberation that occurs in the author's mind. A freedom that can also be obtained by all readers on life's highway. Stephanie Henry, Prescott Valley, AZ. U.S.A. I ran into Johnny during his documented adventures and was thrilled to finally have a chance to finish the book! An absolutely amazing adventure - great for the whole family! Iain C. Ross, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. I enjoyed immensely the chronicle of the author's early life and journeys. Many of us sit at home and dream of doing something like this, but Johnny took hold of his life with both hands, and made this amazing adventure happen. Johnny, at age 23, had touched the lives of hundreds of people all over the planet, and he had given many truly wonderful and amazing people an opportunity to show kindness to a fellow human being in need. It gives a person hope that hundreds of kind and generous people opened their vehicles, homes and hearts to this vulnerable and charming vagabond. There are lots of good, kind and caring individuals in the world, and life long relationships were forged by the unconditional love and trust extended to Johnny during his travels.
I was inside the traveler's head, (like the tiny guy from Achillia inside the head of the man in MIB I), and I experienced the adventure, frustration, and amazement...without actually feeling the intense heat, bitter freezing cold, hurricanes, hunger, thirst and exhaustion. I also knew his joy and appreciation of the kindness and sharing he encountered along the way. The British vernacular and references, along with the creative grammar and punctuation, added to the realism, authenticity and charm of the author's experience,Emojirelayed his dynamic, vivid personality, thirst for adventure and for out-of-the ordinary experiences. There were many times when he could have given up, but due to his determination and strength of character, he soldiered on and made it over and through the next hurdle.
It is quite amazing that he made it alive, and relatively unscathed, through so many trials and tribulations. Many times I laughed out loud at the situations in which he found himself, and the silly antics and comical responses to them.
I recommend this book to anyone looking for adventure and excitement without physically enduring the hardship and expense themselves. It was great fun to tag along with Johnny on this epic adventure. I hope we get to find out what came next.
Thumbs Up!
Cheers! Kristen Lawrence, Prescott Valley, AZ, U.S.A. It's really hard to decide when to take a break from this amazing personal journey. The details and emotions in it stop you in your tracks. Learning of the challenges faced and the amount of goodwill from strangers is inspiring. You really feel like you get to know the author and I've found myself completely absorbed, not wanting to take a break from it. A really good read, with a feel-good factor and a proper restoration of faith in human nature. Lou Murdoch, Chelmsford, Essex, England. If you have ever traveled to any degree on your wits alone, then this book will identify with you. If you plan to travel, but do not have any experience, this book could act as a rough guide to the pitfalls of traveling independent of a mode of transport. This book does illustrate the highs and lows that can befall you at any given time on the road. From lucky lifts, to cop harassment, pissing rain on lonely roads, and for good measure the occasional bear family. This book may well be a window on a time that has now passed, people seem to be less inclined to help someone in need these days as everyone tends to be wrapped up in their daily grind, that being the case maybe this book is a social historical document of a begone era. A bloody good read. Andy Brennon, Northern Territory, Australia. After being recommended to me, I bought the Kindle version of this book. It's a great travelogue in geographical terms but also an in-depth exploration of the human pyshe in regards to the ancient traditions of hospitality towards travelers. Coupled with the nostalgic illustration of punk life in late eighties/ early nineties, it's a fantastic read for anyone who has an interest in these fields. Warning! You might get the travel bug after reading. Richard Taylor, Mollerussa in the province of Lleida, Spain. After spending years touring in rock bands in the back of a van, I just had to read this book about someone else's experience of life on the road. It's heart-warming to read about how people are willing to give this hitchhiker a lift in their car or a roof over his head. The sense of time on these long journeys is perfectly conveyed as are the scenes and brief encounters with characters along the way. But unlike a rock band whose tour manager has booked all the transport and hotels in advance, this hitchhiker just relies on hope and a faith in the human spirit. Very inspiring. Patrick Moriarty, Southend, Essex, England. What a great story. Engrossing and unable to put this book down. All ways wanting to see what/ where it was leading too. No punches pulled and the true problems that travellers have while trying to travel in many country's. Dorothy Waddell, England. Freedom on the highway is a candid, refreshing story of travel from another time. Look at what is possible without a bank roll to pay his way! Through four continents over a decade Johnny Anderson lived by his intuition and his free spirit befriending those who crossed his path. You will see the world through Johnny's unique perspective as he explores the cultures and customs of the countries he traveled. A must read! Kaitlyn Hill, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. I enjoyed this book so much I'm going to buy a hardback copy as well. I went to the same school as Johnny so the first 70 pages were of real interest to me as he talks about his growing up in and around the southend area and his memories of Belfairs school.Johnny then continues with his travels around the globe.the book is extremely well written and the detail that Johnny goes into about his journey is quite amazing.the book deserves to be read as it took 20 years to complete.I can't recommend this book highly enough.simply....buy it now. Gary Clark, Southend, Essex, England. Very interesting life. Wow!! Took a lot of stamina to hitchhike all over. Would be very scary in this day. A+A+A+A+A+A+A+A+ Diane M. Milinkovich. Diane M. Milinkovich, Prescott Valley, AZ, U.S.A. 5-2-2013 As I was looking at a book rack in a small book shop in my town, sitting right in front that by the look of its cover and by the title of the book, seems liked I was hooked. And hooked I was by finding it difficult to put the book down while reading it right after I bought it. I was quite intrigued in seeing that this young man would take on the hard earth with those determined legs and feet to see what might be in store for him in the coming years and miles. Johnny proves that there is still much wonderful humankind out there to experience. Of course, one of the main reasons he saw and felt this for himself was because of just that - himself. Johnny's demeanor played such a huge role in his intereactions with strangers on the road. So well that some of those "strangers" were no longer strangers after spending quality time with Johnny. The experience of the months, miles, meeting people on the road, and of the fantastic amount of the world he traveled (and vast distance via foot) is something that is to be regarded as beyond impressive. I would highy recommend this book. Paul D Sim Prescott, AZ WOW!! Be prepared to leave your world behind and travel this wonderful journey. Page after page you are taken on an amazing journey with Johnny Anderson as he hitch-hikes 64,000 miles across many countries. Written from his personal journals he has kept for many years. Johnny’s book begins with his childhood so you feel you know him very well as he begins his journey. With his vivid descriptions of the many places he visits I felt I was there, taking in the wonderful scenery, sights and experiences. I could picture the beautiful beaches, the crocodile invested rivers and feel the peacefulness at some locations. I felt the emotions, the happiness and the sadness. From the wonderful kindness of people to the pain, cold and uncertainty. The sometimes painful hours of walking and waiting for the next ride through to the frustrations as the hours tick by and the uplifting moments when a ride stops. He manages to bring to life the many characters he meets along the way, the heart-warming generosity of people who provided a ride, a meal and even their home. To the hateful heartless characters who you will dislike nearly as much as Johnny! Once you begin the journey with Johnny you won’t be able to put it down, a real page turner, I have smiled, laughed, cried and felt anger! I would recommend you download this now! Kerry Hull. Kerry, South Woodham, Essex. England, 6-29-2012 Reading this book is like sitting down to drinks with a friend you haven't seen for years and having him tell you story after story about all the amazing adventures he's been having traveling since you last saw him. The sheer volume of Johnny's adventures are more than most of us see in a lifetime. It's amazing the amount of traveling he's done on such a shoestring budget. A true inspiration to those who believe for whatever reason that they don't have the means to travel. What it lacks in a polished writing style it makes up for in charm, personal character, power and volume. If you like reading travel narratives, this is definitely one to pick up. Paul Sitko, Culver City, CA, U.S.A. 4-2-2012 I have just bought the hard back and Johnny's story runs true with all that who wish to travel and throw off the chains that perhaps bind a lot of us to the mundane life that can wrap us all. The grass might appear to be greener on the other side of the fence but you'll never know until you jump over it. A brilliant book! I hope all who read it will be given inspiration to get up and go. Good luck readers and enjoy. Blaine Phillips, England I have known Johnny Anderson for many years. We have maintained a friendship that began during his hitchhiking days over nearly 20 years ago. His memory for dates, names, and moments in time is impeccable and true without embellishment. His book reads just like he speaks- fast and full of detail. Freedom on the Highway leaves the reader itching to know what crazy adventure or ride is coming around the corner next. When I finished the book, I was ready to walk out my front door and hang my thumb out in front of the passing traffic. Brent Emmons, Sydney, N.S.W, Australia As a Tax Attorney, for many years, many of my clients have shared their desire to write a book with me. I also have dozens of chapters of books that were given to me to read and give feedback, but were never finished, mostly for lack of motivation. John's book "Freedom on the Highway" is a story of how one can write and publish a book under awful circumstances. His mental strongness is to be admired. The book is a must read for my 22 grand children, and six, soon to be seven, great-grand children who want to write and/or get an education. All my grand children are growing up in loving house holds with lots of support, the exact opposite of John's life. Several will soon finish their first book, and many have finished college and are in
graduate school. However, my review is about those of you who need motivation and will feel inspired to finish your book, after reading how John finished telling his life story in print. To think that he was able to learn so much about writing after quitting school at 15 years of age is inspiring. I have 24 years of total formal class room education, attaining a Ph.D. in the process; however, even with all my advantages, my first book is still a "work in progress." I call him Mr. John Anderson out of respect because he
grew up and out of being "Johnny" into a man to be respected for his work. I am in awe of John's strong will to survive. Henry A. Ebarb, Prescott, AZ U.S.A 1-21-2013 From start to finish, I found Freedom on The Highway an engrossing read. With material drawn from Johnny's many journals that he has kept throughout his life, the detail he manages to bring to the many situations he encounters throughout the book is excellent, and within a few chapters you feel you've known a lot of the characters all of your life. I also found it very interesting how as Johnny's Journey ebbs and flows, from Europe to Australia/NZ to the USA, to Korea and Japan, the narrative reflects the highs and lows, the euphoria and frustrations that accompany a life on the road. Overall it leaves one with a positive take on humanity, with stories of many complete strangers offering lifts and places to crash, and I must say an accompanying belief in the idea of us having Guardian Angels too! A great read, highly recommended.' Steve, Southend, Essex, England October, 2011 Hello again Johnny, As I read the book I felt as though I were there with you on your journey. I could feel the happiness, saddness, frusterations and joys of the people, places and things that you visited. Oh to be so brave, as I spoke with you today and we shared some of your book to see the sparkle in your eyes, amazing truly amazing. You did well in presentation and content . If I were your instructor I would say A Job Well Done Johnny, I would reccommend this as a Great!!!! read for all who are intrested in an adventure that keeps you turning the pages and anxious to see what happens next as well as where will he(Johnny) take me next as I read.Cannot wait for the sequel.You have a gift Johnny do not let it go unused . I can say yes A thumbs up and I give it 10 stars :) Nancy Little ' Nancy Little, Mayer, AZ, U.S.A. 2-6-12 This book took me to places I would never be able to go to in my lifetime. How wonderful it is to vividly imagine places far, far away and not so far in such detail as Johnny Anderson delivers in his book. I also like the way the author paints a picture of not only good people, fun places and great times, but also includes the bad times, not so wonderful places and not so friendly people. Freedom on the Highway has made me create a "bucket list" of places to see before my life is over. From a beach in Australia where dolphins swim up to you for fun to a place called Leongatha where peace and friendliness ooze from every crack in every farmhouse, thus making me feel peaceful just knowing there is an actual place still out there if I ever need a retreat. When Johnny meets a person on his travels, his description makes you feel like you're meeting that person yourself. This book makes me wish I had hitchhiked all over the world when I was younger and it was safer....but I guarantee this author makes you feel like you are right there with him! Lisa, Prescott Valley, AZ, U.S.A. 2-1-12 Johnny weaves true tales of adventure through humour,social commentary and real experience. His fully descriptive narrative instills the feeling that you were on this crazy adventure with him. Highly enjoyable from his not so ordinary childhood upbringing right through the many steps he has taken on the road of life. Chris Duda, Toronto, Canada. This book gave me an opportunity to reminisce on my school days, some of which, are maybe best forgotten, but also savoured because they formed part of our lives! However what for me has come from Johnny's travel log is his ability to see things for what they are - he has a deep sense of justice, and a kind heart to match. He has traveled both physically and emotionally, and I'm grateful that he invited me into his many homes, and wonderful memories. Peace and love to you JA. Tony J. Withers, Southend, Essex, England "Johnny's epic masterpiece is the story of his very own life and travels, his journey around the world on thumb-power alone. His writing is unique in its level of exquisite detail, and his engaging prose often made me feel as if I were walking a lonesome highway or entering a new city right alongside him. Johnny, being the outgoing and lovable person that he is, is also constantly introducing us to new people along the way, perhaps hundreds of them, and I can see in his writing the love and respect he has for each of them. Will, Prescott, AZ, U.S.A. I began reading this book a few months ago and oh boy what a terrific read it was,at times you can actually believe your there with the characters and feel their joy and sometimes the sadness that came and went throughout. I found it difficult to put down,but i managed to do so while life got in the way of finishing it quicker than I had wished. I got lost in the stories at times and wished i could have experienced what was happening.This would be a great read for anyone wishing to travel, as the photo's also help and give you a feel of all the destinations. I will have to visit as many as possible before my time has ended on this earth, more so now after reading and seeing all the magnificent sites the world has to offer. I would like to both congratulate and kiss Mr Anderson for his amazing stories and I am so proud of him for taking all these years to put it together, if anybody out there has not bought or read this book I would highly recommend you get your butts into gear and do so. Jill, Southend-on-sea, Essex, England. For the past 3.5 days, with very few interruptions from dawn to dusk, I've been a shadow traveling with you during the first 3 years of you're hitchhiking journey. The writings of your childhood leading to the beginning of your 64,000 mile experiences are vividly penned as are the sights, sounds and emotions I enjoyed to the end of your book. As I read, your excellent writing made me feel invisibly with you. (Maybe even the Red Teddy in your bag) An example of that is an excerpt from one of my E-mails to you during the read. "It's near 8:30 pm now and I'm tired in Vancouver Canada, my eyes are glazed from the sights, my emotions have run up, down and sideways, my feet are aching from the walks & cycling, my body feels tortured by rain, snow, sleet and hail, my ears are throbbing from the sound of the band rehearsing, my tummy is empty.......so I will cook, sleep well and head to Vancouver Island with you tomorrow." (after shaving cause it's been 2 days) Johnny, the advantage of being able to download your book on-line are many, along with being able to print if one wanted. I'm wondering if there are any advantages to a Publishing Company. The cost for such an enjoyable read is a pittance via this method. My hopes are to someday travel with you on the rest of your 10 year journey before the Journal notes you have yellow with age. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful folks you met and loved along the way. Don, Palm Springs, CA. (Not the one in the book but a mutual friend) Freedom on the Highway. I feel like I've been personally taken on an adventure around the world and with my reading speed it took me almost 180 days. Maybe because of the starting in my home town of Southend I felt from the beginning a personal connection to all the ups and downs that Johnny passed through. Covering as many miles or kilometers as this author did was a feat in itself and then to write a brilliant book about it was pure genius. Freedom on the Highway now inspires me to spread my wings and go visit some of the beautiful place's that exist (hopefully still) on this planet, so for anyone toying with the travel bug or already well traveled this book is a must. Niki Hull, London, England. A wonderfully insightful yet fun and encouraging true story of human nature set in the amazing world we live in. I am very glad that I bought this book for not only is this a very well-written engrossing true tale of a man's formative coming of age story as told from a very intimate first-person perspective, once he begins his travels you, as the reader, simply won't be able to put it down. Chester P. Sgroi, Los Angeles, California U.S.A. Lesson One: How to manufacture your book "In one hand you'll appreciate it, in another you'll
forget who you were, and what that meant..." Ralph Holland, Scotland, United Kingdom. This wonderful book stands by itself. I find it fascinating that this man hitchhiked nearly 64,000 miles and lived to tell about it! Truly engaging as you experience the excitement and sometimes heartbreak of Johnny's travels. Anyone who wants an example of mission will find it here. Thanks for the ride Johnny, Devonni. Devonni Guilkey, Prescott Valley, AZ. Hi, just thought I'd let you know that I finished your book. It was so lovely to relive old memories and piece together the bits of your journey that you had told me about, also knowing you so well I could hear your laugh and see your expression when you had a rant! I'll really treasure it and well done xxx Helen G, Leigh-on-sea, Essex, England. Hey, everybody - you owe it to yourselves to buy this book! It's a real page turner, alright. When I first picked it up very late at night toward the end of an excruciating week, I only wanted a quick preliminary scan before a relaxing weekend read. Next thing I knew the sun was coming up, and I was loathe to turn loose even for a moment. Follow Johnny's adventures as he roams the world, a young man soaking up more real-world knowledge and wisdom than any university can offer. Stunning photographs in the full version are pure delight; but if you opt just for text, the narrative alone speaks for itself. Will Johnny freeze to death in the Australian bush? Will he escape the clutches of cruel officials? Will the thin membrane separating this world from the next open wide and swallow him like a tasty morsel? Will Johnny EVER cut his hair? (Hell, no to the last question.) Pony up a few bucks and settle back for a fun ride. But don't say no one warned you - make sure you don't start late at night if you have any pressing obligations the next day. You'll wind up like I did, saucer-eyed and mad for sleep but thinking of little beyond how soon you can get back home to read the rest. Frances P., Missouri, U.S.A. It's an adventure of a lifetime that I vicariously lived through reading Johnny's book. Peggy A. Muldoon, Arizona, U.S.A. I have been a friend of Johnny's for a long time now and I can honestly say that I was one of the first people to read his book when he was just an amateur at this. At that time his book was good and very exciting and interesting. You could actually picture yourself in all the places he was at while reading the book. Now your actually walking with him through the book. See for yourself... All you have to do is read his chapter on his site and you'll want to read the entire book. Good job Johnny... I'm very proud of you. Sylvia Graves, San Gabriel Valley, CA. U.S.A. We thoroughly enjoyed reading your book and plan on rereading several sections. The places you went and the interesting people you met along the way makes for exciting reading. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Enjoyed all the characters that Johnny met on the road and the fantastic places he was able to explore. This is a travelogue, an adventure and a story rolled into a well written non-fiction novel. You will enjoy it! Tom and Don, Las Vegas, NV. U.S.A. "If you think you are adventurous then think again. This book is one man's incredible and amazing journey that I got really into, as if I am there but without having to walk to far etc. I am sure that every person who reads it will love and enjoy it as much as me and realize just what a unique person Johnny Anderson is." Daniel Plaskow, Westcliff-on-Sea. Great Britain It's one of the best books I've ever read and I've read a lot of books. If I had to admire someone in my life, its you. I really couldn’t believe what I was reading, I was flabbergasted. How a human being had gone through this, put tears in my eyes. It’s so interesting. Im overwhelmed as I read this book and I’m only half way through right now. To write a book like this, is totally admirable. I’m overcome by this book. Someone will make this story into a movie one day, I know. Mom, Southend, Essex, England. Wonderful book and an easy read. What a fantastic journey Johnny went on! Ian Shaw, Apache Junction, AZ, U.S.A. A wonderful and entertaining journey. I love it! The story is very engaging - definitely worth the read! RazorCandi, Romania. I really loved Johnny's book. It made me really wish I had followed through with my best friend Peggy, where we planned to hitchhike the USA. I CAN'T BELIEVE how brave this young man was and the wonderful people that helped him along his way. This story really is a great read. Cynthia, Mayer, AZ. An interesting read. You certainly had some issues in Asia, didn't you:) Karen, Prescott Valley, AZ, U.S.A. 11-13-12 If you have a taste for adventure, this is for you. Loved this book. Excellent read from cover to cover. Such an adventure for someone so young. KarmaKiller A journey and discovery of the world told in a unique way by a truly amazing traveller !! Johnny takes you through every emotion possible in this breathtaking book a must read !!! Boogie Ward, Southend-on-sea, Essex, England. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It just goes to show that even an "ordinary" person ... one who is not necessarily born into special social, political, or monetary status ... can have quite and extraordinary life. Amazon customer (Name unknown, review left on on April 25, 2016.) Hi Johnny, thanks for taking us along on your journy, It was fun and I learned a lot. Great book. Laverne Butler. I purchased the kindle version of this book simply because he is an old school friend of my son.
I'm amazed at just how much of the world Johnny has seen through hitchhiking and the courage to do this alone over such a long time period. I must admit that I have been reading the book in stages, I find I need a break from it after reading a few chapters at a time but I am interested enough to finish it. I do find his language & opinions of the police & drivers that do not stop for hitchhikers a bit strong & unnecessary,all the same a remarkable guy. Alison Gibbs ((The author interjecting here. Might I add that in the books foreword it clearly reads that the language within might offend the reader. I also state, that 'at that particular time period in my life' hence during my travels, I went through a lot of hassle with the police and I simply expressed how I felt at the time. I clearly mention that if any of the above offends the reader, then I advise them NOT to read the book.)) Review of Freedom On The Highway by Johnny Anderson. If you’ve ever wanted to travel the world or been interested in other parts of the world and the people you might encounter there, then this book is for you. This interesting, vividly told story of a young man from England who sets out to travel and explore the world by hitchhiking will be an eye-opening experience of the sort of beauty and wonder of the world, as well as the countless characters you just might encounter along the way. Julie K, Prescott Valley, AZ 10/25/2020 I mostly enjoyed it. It made me laugh, cringe & understand your perspective Johnny. I personally think it should be chopped down and edited. It's more of a manuscript than the 1st edition. Well done! I know it was a big effort. Tony Q. London, England. 1-4-2024 ![]() I'm PayPal Verified I thank you for your time and I hope that you enjoy my story. If it helps you can also pay by using Zelle. My email address is johnnyboy1@rocketmail.com Cheers, Johnny Anderson. Click below to see:-