I've accumulated over 280 Sex Pistols thumbs in eight galleries that can be looked over, if this rock group interests you. I've downloaded these images from the web and nothing is of my own originality. Due to this, if you see anything that has some kind of copyright infringement on it, please email me and I'll remove it from my site. These galleries have taken me many, many frustrating hours to complete. And I'll be honest with you, if it wasn't for the devoted time and kindness of my good friend Chester, these pictures would never be here for any of us to see. Chester, you're a gentleman, one of the few that's still around. And I deeply appreciate your ongoing help, as my attempts to complete this project seemed to get further away from the end, as each day passed. Go knock yourselves out, coz there's some great stuff to be seen. All the best, Johnny Anderson. Click below to see:-