Hello Johnny, I called RCP myself yesterday just to get an idea of what this company is about. The first customer service agent that I got was Janette. She couldn't tell me who owned the company and put me through to a supervisor called Anita. Just like you, I was put on hold of a good two minutes. When Anita came on the line she told me that she cannot indulge in that information. I'm telling you Johnny these people are a bunch of rookies that have very little education and have no idea about customer service. It just so happened that when I asked about their cards I was put through to an 'Art Sells.' I managed to get this out of him. RCP stands for 'Rates, Cards and Platform.' Apparently they don't have a CEO and it's a mutual partnership. There's something odd about this business I'm telling you. For a company not to tell you who runs it, to me it's like some illegitimate, uneducated idiots running a business that have a lot to hide. I described myself as a Communications Engineer for a large firm in CA, that was looking for alternative, affordable telephone rates. This was for our firm partners (10 in count) to use as they travel the U..S. as well the world. They do not dabble in service outside the 48 states in the US. But as I write this, I receive yet another call From 'Art Sells' from PHOENIX ARIZONA. Saying that HIS company should venture off into corporate sales,since is a lot more money to be made there. He said they did not have a package for me, but that he would work over the weekend to come up with something that would fit our environment. In the meantime he was going to send a sample card out to me, and what info; he had available. I will send you all information as well. Wow Johnny, regarding your latest on pathetic people, I think these people are attracted to you. Hahaha. You could always try looking up this company in Dunn & Bradstreet. They should have some information on who is controlling the beans. If that doesn't work, they've got to have a registered business license in the city the do business in and that information is public domain. Happy fishing. If I were you, I'd also call the Better Business Bureau and report them. Yikes. The BBB is on the internet now also. ...your stories are always so unbieleivable! where do you find these people? I have received the Information from Art Sells and a Phone Card for 20.00. Send That SASE and I will forward that down to you. Hey Johnny, how are you? Pretty pathetic story dude, but I can't say that I am surprised. Maybe your on to something big, dark and conspiriotic (I know that's not a word!). Keep fucking with them and let me know if anything comes up. Johnny, I work for the RCP and find that this type of slander is wholly the responsibility of those who wish to discredit the ability of a wealth over lord company that can just spit in the eye of the little guy and then laugh about it just as I am doing now. Further disregard for those wealth holders and their ability to take what they want (i.e. your money) without any retribution shall only put you on our black listed mailing program. Where we will ask you to call for some outlandish reason then put you on hold for two minutes then answer with a rude comment then hang up. Always with your interests in mind RCP. Ps: I love this country. Don't you know the way to get to the president? You need to be only two things. An intern and a big mouth. (Hence the term big mouth used in both ways - vocal and penal) You never cease to make me laugh, think and recollect. ...by the way i dont know why there are so many stupid people and/or stupid policies, just dont understand. Your web site always puts a little button on my day! Well, I'm off to call that RCP or whatever company it was.... Below are the responses after the Better Business Bureau letter went up on the site. That is such Bullshit!I tried contacting RCP myself and started to get the same kind of treatment, they did not know who their CEO was or what one was for that matter. Or excuse me the ones that may have known said they were not able to indulge that kind of information, it is not like it would not be public knowledge with the county recorders office in Phoenix, da. So I got further than Johnny with a little manipulation, which is irrellavant to the way that company represents theirselves and they way they do business. In Short THEY SUCK. Print it Johnny. Paulie What up Johnny? Your battles with the RCP are quite entertaining dude. I would call them and ask them who their president is but I would probably be put on some secret government list entitled; "U.S. radicals to assassinate"! Anyways, I could read your "Pathetic People" section and complete a short novel on my responses, but I won't trouble you with that much ink! Hope all is well for you two and that we might be able to see each other soon....... __________ What R.C.P. had to say to the Better Business Bureau. __________ Any comments please email me or make an entry into the guestbook thanks. __________ Back to the RCP story.Back to Some really Pathetic people.Click below to see:-