Johnny Anderson's book

Hi, if you’ve made it to this page then I assume that you’d like to learn a little more about my book. I was born in England in the mid-sixties and spent the first twenty years of my life there. I legally left school at the age of fifteen and shortly after this I got involved in the U.K. punk scene. I loved this era but I also knew (back then) that there was a lot more out there, than just lazing around in my hometown for the rest of my time on this rock.

Two days after my twentieth birthday (in 1987) I left Great Britain to travel the world. Since that day I've never looked back. At first, I lived in a tent in Holland and worked on a few of their bulb farms. After getting some money together I later ventured on to Germany, but due to an unforeseen mishap, I ended up right back where I started, in jolly old ‘Mother England.’

In the summer of 1988, I flew to the other side of the world to hitchhike around Australia. This is where the real hitchhiking began. In fact, in the ten years that I was on the road, I hitched just over 64,000 miles and entered fifteen countries. Ironically this wasn't the foundation for my writings. What was, was the fact that in the decade that followed, I only slept rough for a mere eight nights.

When I originally left England I only knew a handful of individuals, but as the years passed, nearly all of my accommodation (once I got on the road in Australia) came from the very people who picked me up hitching. Never once did I pay to sleep in a motel or a hotel (because I couldn't afford such a luxury) while I was wandering around. Also, in all that time, I never once asked a driver if I could stay at their home.

The book, which covers many of my escapades, goes into the first three years of my travels. It took me twenty years on and off to complete this very task. Length wise, the story is around 277,000 words.

Right now this novel is available on Amazon within the U.S. and also the U.K. There are other Amazon sites around Europe too where this can be purchased. The two main Amazon links are as follows:

If your in the U.S. the Kindle and paperback link is Freedom on the Highway

If your in the U.K. the Kindle and paperback link is Freedom on the Highway

This novel can also be purchased as an e-book which you can read on your laptop or desktop computer. Its in plain text, just like the Kindle version. This is expained below:


To get the e-book, the Paypal link is at the base of this webpage and it's $10 U.S. The e-book will be forwarded to you in Acrobat (pdf format) so it's really easy to read.

I'd like to thank you for your time and I hope that you will enjoy reading my story.

I've put up three sample chapters of my book on this website.

Cheers, Johnny Anderson:

A sample Chapter from Johnny's book


Johnny Anderson live on television & talking about his book on the radio (5 mins 50 seconds into the clip).

Johnny on TV part 1
Johnny on TV part 2

Live on KQNA

Johnny at the Prescott Valley clubhouse talking about the book


Click below to see:-